Economics Tips

Memes That Prove Economics Is Hilarious

economics memes
Written by guest1111

Memes That Prove Economics Is Hilarious

Economics memes we’re seeing the benefits of using humor to make important points. We have a word for this in our field: memes.

Memes are cultural ideas, themes, or images that are spread via the Internet. These days, they often spread rapidly via social media and other formats. There are even websites devoted to tracking and cataloging memes.

Humor has the ability to make difficult concepts more accessible. In the same way, the many hilarious examples in this article make economics and its practitioners more approachable.

If you’ve ever taken a course on macroeconomics, you’ll likely remember the professor’s exasperated sighs as you struggled to understand. You might also remember the feeling of relief when you learned how to “solve” problems related to aggregate supply and demand. The field of economics is inherently difficult because of its abstract nature. In spite of that, you may still have some questions about the way the world works. If so, this article is for you.

Here are some of the best memes about economics that you can use to make sense of the subject:

This accountant quit her job because…

The first meme on our list is about an accountant who quit her job for the most absurd reason.

The caption reads: “This accountant quit her job because she got tired of having to count from one to ten.”

One could argue that this woman was not suited for accounting in the first place, but it’s more likely she lost patience with the simple nature of counting money and decided to pursue a new career path.

This is how much the minimum wage has increased in the past year

This meme is a response to the issue of the minimum wage. It shows how much the minimum wage has risen from 2008 to 2016, and it’s not a small amount.

This explains why the price of eggs has gone up

The price of eggs has gone down.

This quote is from the popular meme series called “The Jokes On You,” which documents the ridiculousness that ensues when people forget to read the fine print and then get the joke’s outcome. The origin of this quote and others in this series is unclear, but their popularity on social media speaks volumes. This meme could be used to describe what happens when you don’t read carefully before making a decision. If a person missed out on an opportunity because they failed to examine all of the possible outcomes, they may use this phrase to express their regret.

Read More: The Unexpected Truth about Economizer Systems

This is how you know it’s Friday when…

*you’re reading a textbook on macroeconomics

*you’ve been studying for hours and have to take a break

*you open your laptop and see that you have an email from your professor

This is how you know it’s Friday when…

*you start thinking about food

*you find yourself in the company of friends and family

*you want to consume something sweet or salty

The memes above make light of the struggles we feel like students of economics. That said, they also show that there are still some humorous elements to this often difficult subject. It may be hard, but at least it can be funny sometimes!

This is why we need an inflation calculator

One of the most popular jokes in economics is the inflation calculator. The joke here is that, when you calculate how much a dollar can buy now versus some time ago, the numbers are always different. That’s because it’s difficult to measure inflation through numbers alone.

The truth is that there are many ways to “calculate” inflation, and they all give different results. Some economists use a basket of goods to determine average prices and then compare prices from one year to another. Others look at price changes for key items such as bread and meat. And still, others use indexes like the Consumer Price Index (CPI) or Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE).

In this meme, we see an example of why we need an inflation calculator – because there are many methods for calculating it!

This just shows you how complicated economics is

This just shows you how complicated economics can be. This is the kind of stuff that makes people panic.


Sometimes, economics can be a tough subject to grasp.

But putting it in meme form makes it a whole lot easier! This list of memes is good for a laugh and will have you understanding economics in no time.

Whether it’s explaining why the price of eggs has gone up, or how much the minimum wage has increased in the past year, these memes make economics seem a lot less intimidating.

Hopefully, this list will give you the edge you need to ace your next economics quiz.

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